Tampa Theatre from the Cheap Seats Merge Detail Vignette

Residential Pool and Spa - Plan Review

Plan Review
Plan Review

Documentation Required:

  • Site Plan
  • Location and Dimensions: Plan indicating location and dimensions of proposed pool, all property lines, onsite structures, and power lines.
  • Site Elevations: Existing and proposed assumed site elevations on a 25’ grid and 10’ past the adjacent property lines.(Assumed site elevations are acceptable).
  • Survey: If proposed pool includes over 1,000 square foot of deck, a signed and sealed topographical survey with elevations on a 25’ grid and 10’ past the property lines is required.
  • Trees: Identify all trees within 20’ of proposed work (including species and diameter of each). Specimen trees 24” DBH (diameter breast height) require a minimum of 15’ foot protective distance and Grand Trees 32” DBH or larger require a minimum of 20 foot from the construction.
  • Easements: All COT easements and private easements must be shown.
  • Cross Section: Cross section from property line to property line through the pool detailing proposed and existing elevations in relationship to finished floor elevation of the house/lanai.
  • Structural Plans
  • Signed and sealed structural plans to the current Florida Building Code, digital signature standards, and relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations stated in FBC section 454.2.  Engineered pool structural plans may be placed on file through a separate process. Once approved they may be used for same day applications.
  • Plumbing: Completed piping, water supply and plumbing calculations. May use APSP-15 information sheet.
  • Completed: Owner-Builder Acknowledgement form (if applicable)