Macfarlane Freedom Playground

Parks and Facilities

Pond with tall trees in the background
Park Finder

Our Park Finder gives you a map view of our 194 parks. Search by park name, address, or narrow down your results by type of amenity!

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Green Team Free Nature Tours

Have an Idea?

The Park Improvement Proposal form allows community organizations or individuals who wish to contribute for the design and construction of improvements within the City of Tampa's parks and recreation facilities to submit a project idea. The organization’s representative should first discuss the proposed project with a Parks and Recreation staff member.

Please contact the Superintendent of Planning and Design, Brad Suder at 813-274-5141. The level of detail required will vary according to the type and scope of the project. The proposal must include appropriate plans and details. Please allow 30 days for processing.

From our beautiful sunsets and tropical weather to our ever-expanding recreational opportunities, Tampa has become one of the most diverse cities in the Southeast. Tampa is less a place and more a feeling that can only be experienced, not explained.

Acres of Parkland
plus miles of trails