Tampa Theater Marquee sign

Tree Removal from Right of Ways

The City of Tampa prunes street trees to:

  • Provide adequate clearance over the street and the sidewalk. This includes being sure that emergency vehicles can respond to your neighborhood without damage.
  • Remove deadwood greater than 2 inches in diameter.
  • Provide clearance for stop signs, stop lights, street lights, and buildings.

Professional pruning is necessary to improve the health and structure of the trees while accommodating pedestrians and traffic. Proper pruning will also increase the value of the tree to our community.

Tree Emergency 813-274-5744
(blocking streets and sidewalks)

Contact the Neighborhood Enhancement Division at 813-274-5545 to request the trimming and/or removal of trees within medians, City owned empty lots and alleys.

To request trimming or report trees on overhead power lines, please contact Tampa Electric (TECO) Line Clearance office at 813-223-0800 or 813-228-1111.