Around Tampa Night Merged

Contract & Permit Instructors

Potential Instructors

Do you have an interest in teaching others? Have a hobby, talent, or special interest you would like to share? We offer a variety of facilities that can host your class. Becoming an instructor can be rewarding and it only takes a few steps. Fill out and submit an application and course request form.


Below are guidelines for people who are looking to work out in our parks and teach classes. Yet, please note that this does not cover every situation. Are still unsure as to whether you need a permit? Contact the Contract Monitor at 813-274-8774 or email.

  • Businesses or individuals who are looking to hold a class or classes in our park system.
  • Those who are looking to charge money for a service rendered.
  • Those who are looking for donations for a service rendered.
  • An organized program led by an instructor (must have certifications to teach program).
  • Activities covered under this process include:
    • health and fitness consultants
    • dog trainers, yoga instructors, and
    • other outdoor professional service providers.

Current Instructors

If you are a current City of Tampa instructor, here are some helpful resources.

Additional Information

Get an application at our administrative office or community centers throughout the City. Call or email to receive information by fax or mail.