Jose Gaspar Ship

Water Department Master Plans

David L. Tippin Water Treatment Facility Master Plan 

The City of Tampa Water Department completed a comprehensive master plan for its David L. Tippin Water Treatment Facility (DLTWTF).  In 2023, the treatment facility routinely produced an average of about 80 million gallons of potable drinking water a day for Tampa’s water customers. 

The DLTWTF master plan includes a prioritized capital improvement program (CIP) that optimizes treatment, improves treated water quality, reduces operating costs, and enhances treatment and operations through a carefully planned repair and replacement program. 

The David L. Tippin Water Treatment Facility Master Plan -- Volume 1 (Chapters 1 through 3) 

The David L. Tippin Water Treatment Facility Master Plan -- Volume 2 (Chapters 4 through 9 & Appendices) 

Suspended Ion Exchange (SIX) Pilot Report

Water Distribution System Master Plan 

The City of Tampa Water Department completed a master plan for its water distribution system based on a comprehensive assessment of the water distribution system and facilities.  This plan includes capital improvements that are needed to meet future conditions and continue providing a safe and reliable drinking water supply for our customers.   

City of Tampa Potable Water System Master Plan